4:28 AM by Parmith

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

  1. What is your name : Paramitha
  2. A four Letter Word : Play
  3. A boy's Name : Putra
  4. A girl's Name : Putri (huakakakak tinggal ganti hurup x3)
  5. An occupation : Police
  6. A color : Pink
  7. Something you'll wear : Polkadot
  8. A Jedi: ?
  9. A food : Pisang
  10. Something found in the bathroom: Pasta gigi
  11. A place : Perpustakaan
  12. A reason for being late : Pusing pas bangun tidur, jadi tidur lagi (jangan ditiru ya!)
  13. Something you'd shout : PPPPPPPPPPPPPFFFUCK (maksa)
  14. A movie title : Pirates of Carribean
  15. Something you drink : Punch Fruit (kebalik)
  16. A musical group : Paramore
  17. An animal : Pinguin
  18. A street name : Pondok Kelapa
  19. A type of car : Panther
  20. The title of a song : Pray For Plagues - Bring Me The Horizon

seri dua

  1. What is your name : Mitha
  2. A four Letter Word : Main
  3. A boy's Name : Matthew Charles Sanders (huekeke)
  4. A girl's Name : Manda
  5. An occupation : Manager
  6. A color : Merah
  7. Something you'll wear : My Chemical Romance T-Shirt (yang lagi dipake)
  8. A Jedi: Meaning?
  9. A food : Makanan :p
  10. Something found in the bathroom: Mandi...... peralatan mandi
  11. A place : Mall
  12. A reason for being late : Maceeeeeet
  13. Something you'd shout : MAKNYOS
  14. A movie title : Mew Mew Tokyo (kebalik oi)
  15. Something you drink : Minuman :p
  16. A musical group : Maximum The Hormone
  17. An animal : Macan
  18. A street name : MH Tamrin
  19. A type of car : Mercedes Benz
  20. The title of a song : My Love - Justine Timberlake

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